Today is a good {great} day! I woke up rested and refreshed. I am ready to knock out the big tasks that I have fallen behind in....which is EVERYTHING. Dishes and laundry will have to wait today. Today my top priority {other than my children} is to get that craft room FINISHED. I love BEING organized...I don't love GETTING organized. I think a lot of Mom's feel this way. Why can't we just wiggle our noses and have it all fall into place? Wouldn't that be nice! Of course it would. We all know that it always seems to look worse, before it looks better. I have dragged everything out and I mean EVERYTHING. My desk drawers are even empty! I see progress and I am LOVING IT! I am brave enough to show the current CHAOS {this is an understatement} in my craft room. Don't judge. I will first show the BEFORE so you know that I am not a slob {not all of the time anyway lol}
My before photos look like my room is clean and organized. What you are seeing is an only appears to be organized. I have hidden the mess to post these photos on Facebook. There, I just outed myself! The secret is already out so I will go on to tell you that those desk drawers are stuffed with junk!

This is my kids side of the room. See the nice clean table and floor under it. It was only like that because I grounded them from this room for a whole day so I could clean that up. They are notorious for getting paper scraps, markers, name it ALL OVER THE PLACE. Their space is getting smaller and smaller until one day, the whole room will be MINE ALL MINE! haha. I am not sure if I could do that to them but I keep telling them I will if they do not pick up after themselves :) Also, that's that scary closet where we shove all of the catch all stuff. That stuff {plus more} is currently spread through out the entire room while I sort through it. I come to realize that less really IS more when you have to organize it.
This is my iron station that really just doesn't work for me AT ALL. The baskets are not small by any means and they are overflowing with scrap fabric. It's just all mixed up in there.
Okay, are you ready to see the IN BETWEEN {in progress} photos? Brace yourself, this is not going to be pretty. Here they are!
And this is only one angle. The rest looks just as bad! You can see that I repainted the walls, painted and bronze glazed my desk/hutch and moved furniture around.. There IS progress...I PROMISE.
Before I show the progress pictures I have to include my crowded table. This is an issue I have had for a while. I was trying to make hair accessories at the same table I was sewing at. Not a good thing for me :)
I moved my desk/hutch to the corner by the window. I have the wall next to it on reserve for something fantastic! I also painted my desk/hutch a light spring green and bronze glazed it. I love it!
This is pretty much the same except I painted the table top. These are just 3 cube shelves I bought at Lowes on sale. I put them together to make an island cutting table. I love it! I do want to build one like the blue one in my inspiration photos.
I am going to just break down and buy a big iron board on a stand. This method just doesn't work for me. The tower of shelves in next to it is my new scrap fabric storage. I originally had scrap ribbon in them but I stored that somewhere else.
I LOVE LOVE this! SO much easier to find what I am looking for! I sorted my fabric by color: Pink, whites, creams, browns, get the point. Then folded up the small pieces and put them into the drawers. I bought the drawers from a Dollar Store for $5 each. They are well worth it. I've used them for just about everything. lol

This is one of my FAVORITE parts of me room now! It's a new addition. I bought this hutch at a consignment shop for $29. It was an ugly blue. My husband bolted it to the wall to hold my hair accessories supplies. I posted about it in a Facebook group and was told I should paint it here it is! Pink and bronze glazed {I LOVE that stuff}. The cube shelf was originally a big wall shelf we bought at Lowe's. It used to reside in our Kitchen. My husband was moving it to our new house and the top of it broke. I also used to use it as the iron table {in my before photos}. The "table top" on it is MDF from my daughters old bed. I just had my husband cut it down. It didn't look good painted so I wrapped it in batting, screwed it to the cube shelf and made a scrappy table cloth for it. I love it!

The pink hutch holds my hair accessory making supplies. The baskets hold shabby flowers, silk flowers, lace, elastic, trims and fabrics, the little jars hold rhinestone buttons, clips, finished bottle cap images, etc... The drawers hold templates, tools, bottle cap images, bottle caps and more.
The cubbies hold baskets of supplies. One basket holds gallon sized Ziploc bags {sorted by color} of scrap ribbon. The bottom basket holds wool felt for backing on some of my fabric hair accessories. The ribbon will be on my ribbon shelves I made.
<---- The basket holds gallon Ziploc bags of scrap ribbon sorted by color.

I made these shelves to hold my ribbon. It works great! ---->
I would have put my ribbon on them but the front of the shelves are still drying from painting them. They are so easy to make. I need more and when I make them I will post a how to blog post about them. The bow board is for finished bows that were ordered or ready to ship.
So far, so good! I am happy with my progress so far. I really hope to finish up tonight. More to come!
Do you have a clever way to store craft supplies? Please comment with a link to a photo if you do!