
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A New Craft Space {A New Start}

I have changed my craft space around so many times only to find yet another inspirational photo making me want to change it again. I guess I can blame Pinterest. Although I love it! There are so many photos  of beautiful inspirational rooms online it makes me crazy! I know my room does not have to look like it came from a magazine but I NEED it to inspire and motivate me....especially now that motivation is hard to find. I have been battling this for a while now. I can't seem to find a balance. Being a Stay At Home Mom is hard enough. I have recently changed my title to Work At Home Mom. It has always been my dream to work at home and to be there to care for my children. I want so badly to make my business successful and to also be a successful House Wife and Mother. Just finding time to do laundry and vacuum can be difficult. It seems like if my house is clean and organized, I am behind in my work and my craft room is wrecked. If I am caught up on my work, I am behind on laundry and dirty dishes occupy my sink. How do I balance it all? I keep reminding myself that I am lucky to have a husband who supports me in what I want to do. I keep telling myself that next year will be easier because my two 5 year olds will be in Kindergarten. What 7 hours of uninterrupted work time could do for me! Not that I am trying to push them out, I love the fact that they are home with me. I love taking them to their library activities and getting to spend time with them while I work. I can't help but to think about what it would be like to not have to stop every 10 minutes to answer to them though. So, I have a plan. This is a BIG one! In order for this plan to work, I need order in our home. So this is what I came up with:

1. We need a family command center. This will include a chore chart, calendar for extra curricular activities for my kids, a place for my daughter to put her school papers, a place to hang important papers and write reminder notes. This will be in our entry way where all can see. 

2. A room that inspires us to create. This goes for my children and myself. It would be easier to keep their little hands busy if they had a nice space of their own as well. We have already started on this one. They have a table and shelf in the craft room. We have this very cool closet nook space in our craft room that my girls have always wanted for a reading space. My husband has just installed a light in there for them. It's a work in progress!

3. A different space for each type of craft for me. I was trying to do everything at my sewing table. The problem with that is that the table gets full of stuff very quickly and I spend more time picking up than working on new product. I want to have an office/space to scrapbook (this is just a hobby for me), a table to sew, a cutting table, an ironing table and a place to create hair accessories.

4. A COMMAND CENTER for my business. This is on the top of my list! This is very important to me as I hope to stay organized with my business this way. I will have a place for orders, model bookings, giveaway ideas, design ideas, inspiration, new product ideas and much more! I have a wall on reserve for just this. I've had an inspiration picture for a long time. I plan to do this over the weekend! Here is my inspiration photo.
Mine will probably be more full. The basic idea is here though. The cork board, the peg board, The white board, the chalk board.  I also love the pockets. If I laminate 12X12 scrapbook paper, it turns it right into a dry erase board. How cute and organizational is this! I absolutely LOVE IT!!! As I make progress I will be posting more pictures. I am in a hurry {so I can get back to work} to pictures will come in tomorrows post.

What do you want to do to your craft space? If you have a craft space please leave me a comment with your blog link so I can visit <3

Here are some rooms that inspire me:
{I want to take something from each room and place it in mine. Whether it's a storage idea or decorative}
This would be great to store scrapbooking supplies OR hair accessory supplies. I could also see some sewing supplies stored on these.

 Do you have extra drawers you do not need anymore? How cute is useful is this? I have some in the garage I am thinking about using.
 If only I have a larger room! My kids would LOVE this!
 This set up is a lot like mine. I love the island table made with shelves. Color and all!
I envy that HUGE table and storage space under it.

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