
Monday, January 7, 2013

Getting there {one thing at a time}

I am on my path to having a clean and organized HOME. We have changed rooms so much things are just in complete chaos and nothing has it's own place. I am ready to let go of some things and live a more simple {but creative} lifestyle. I have heard the phrase "a cluttered house, a cluttered mind". I have BOTH. So I decided to make a list of problem area's in my house and practical solutions to those problem area's. I first started with my computer cabinet. This was the worst clutter we had in the house. Clutter on the shelf, in the drawers on the table top and even on top the cabinet. I got a big box and went to town on it! Everything went in that box that did not belong in there! I FILLED  that big box! I will go through it later. Here is my before picture of my cluttered chaos. Don't judge.
 I don't know how or why this ended up like this but I am so happy that mess is gone!
I just put everything that didn't belong in a big box that I will go through later tonight. I set the things that I could use to the side. I wiped it down and organized everything. I re purposed the basket and a letter box I used to keep on my other desk {that desk is not a mess because it never gets used}.

Here is my after! It needs repainted but I love the organization. It only holds things that I use. I can actually work in this now.

 This is so much better! The white box on the top shelf holds my CD ROMS, printer paper, shipping labels, a big binder I used for homeschooling last year but plan to repurpose it into a House hold binder.

I have 2 daily planners. One for our home and family and one for my business. Then there is my letterbox that holds envelopes, note cards and post it notes. My clipboard has on of the printables I will soon be offering in my Etsy shop. This one is for Problem Area's and solutions. I love it! It makes the process so much easier for me. Yes, I plan to make a plan. I PLAN to repaint the inside of this cabinet white.
 I love this Vintage inspired letter box I got from Marshalls. They have really cute organizing things. I plan to go back very soon!

 The door bulletin holds a little hanging folder for my notes. If I need to write something down real quick I stick it in here so I won't lose it. There are many other items that match these. This is Martha Stewart. I bought it at Staples. That's another place I plan to visit again soon.

I moved the bill  file folders from the basket to the drawer and used the basket for another purpose.
The basket holds work books, flash cards a paper for when my little ones play school.
This drawer just holds a phone book and other office supplies.
I love this white board on the door of my cabinet.
And it's nice being able to close those doors :) It's an office in a cabinet and I love it! I am going to repaint it aqua and bronze glaze it. Our living room needs some color! That's another thing in my house that is finally organized. Now to move on to the girls closet!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I'm Perfectly Imperfect

My house is usually in chaos, my children are very messy, my husband does not pick up after himself, my craft mess gets overwhelming, There are dirty dishes in my sink, the trash can is overflowing, I am behind with my laundry and I haven't mopped my kitchen floor in over a week.  My dog chews up the crayons my kids drop on the floor, My kids argue, fight and annoy each other all day some days .I feel like I am being pulled in 15 different directions at once. I can't even remember if I took a shower today.....

I would be embarrassed if someone walked into my house right now but I am not ashamed to admit that things get overwhelming, chaotic and just plain crazy at my house. I am one person. I am not perfect. I am a mother of 3 children. I am a wife. I work from home. I mean to teach my children well. My intentions are good. My heart is in the right place. My mind not so much at times.  I am perfectly imperfect. Just like everyone else. Do I want to be more organized? Yes. Do I want my kids to wake up in the morning and make their bed? Yes. Do I want to live in a calm home {sometimes}? Yes. But this is not going to happen over night and I have accepted that.

There are so many things out there that make us feel inadequate. Magazines, Internet, TV.  I often look in magazines, Google Image and get on Pinterest for organization ideas for my home but lets get real. 98% of the things I see are done by a professional designer. For a long time I would obsess over "that amazing room I just have to have". I would go buy things to put in the space, redo furniture or buy new {used} furniture. I would work really hard on it for a day and then I am over it. When I look at the room, there are more things dragged out then when I started. I could have used that time I spent searching online and shopping to actually organize my space. I mean, that was the original plan right?

And then I come to realize....

Unless I plan to hire a designer, my house probably will not look like the amazing room from that magazine....ever. That's okay with me. I just want it to be cute, organized and functional.
SO, this year, in 2013, I will change all of that. I will make a list of problems and add practical solutions to those problems. I will FIRST clean and organize and THEN decorate or shop. I plan to take my time and focus on the big issues first. I have been told to focus on one room at a time but I can't do that :) My mind wanders to different areas of the house. Either that or I will devote myself entirely to one room for a week and the rest of my house will get neglected and look like it was hit hard by a tornado. Today I plan to focus just getting things picked up, vacuuming and some laundry. Tomorrow I will start digging into the organization part of it all. I work from home and still have children at home all day so this will be a bit challenging. I will post pictures along the way. Is anyone else up for this challenge?